If the Society really wanted to be 'balanced' about this subject, they would have recommended PREPAID PHONES as an alternative to expensive service contracts.
It's funny how the society tries to look out for the welfare of children who use cell phones. BUT, when a child gets molested all they can ask is "were there 2 witnesses who saw what happened to you?". They don't realize that with the numbers of child abuse cases increasing in the org, these kids might need cell phones after all to call the cops after some pervert in their congregation makes a move on them.
Instead of wasting their resources on printing useless articles, they should devote an article on how they plan on tackling the crisis they face as shown in silentlambs.org.
The majority of witnesses going from door to door don't realize that such a problem even exists. I can't imagine how a JW would react if someone pulled out a copy of a court document where the WTS is getting nailed for covering up child abuse.
I thinks it's time that we take this to the next level and truly organize to wake up the old men sitting at the Watchtower. BOO-YAA!